2016 Job Fair "Hire Me!"

  • June 02, 2016
  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Sunrise Mall & Career Center 5858 S.P.I.D., Corpus Christi, TX. 78412


  • The Presenting Sponsor receives:
    Largest Corporate logo prominently displayed on HIRE ME! Job Fair printed materials
    Window space entering Job Fair for company promotional display
    Company name mentioned first in media marketing
    Company logo /name featured in CBSHRM’s Social Media uploads
    Two page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo)
    Preferential table placement with electrical outlet
    Two (2) tables, Four (4) chairs, Four (4) lunch tickets
  • The Platinum Sponsor receives:
    Corporate logo prominently displayed on HIRE ME! Job Fair printed materials
    Company name mentioned in media marketing
    Company logo / name featured in CBSHRM’s Social Media uploads
    One page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo)
    Premier booth location with electrical outlet
    Two (2) tables, Four (4) chairs, Four (4) lunch tickets
  • Corporate logo prominently displayed on HIRE ME! Job Fair printed materials Company name mentioned in media marketing
    Company logo / name featured in CBSHRM’s Social Media uploads
    One page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo) Premier booth location with electrical outlet
    Two (2) tables, Four (4) chairs, Four (4) lunch tickets
  • The Gold Sponsor receives:
    Corporate logo included in HIRE ME! Job Fair printed materials
    Company name mentioned first in media marketing
    Company logo / name featured in CBSHRM’s Social Media uploads
    Half page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo)
    Premier booth location
    Two (2) tables, Four (4) chairs, Four (4) lunch tickets
  • Corporate logo included in HIRE ME! Job Fair printed materials
    Company name mentioned first in media marketing
    Company logo / name featured in CBSHRM’s Social Media uploads
    Half page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo) Premier booth location
    Two (2) tables, Four (4) chairs, Four (4) lunch tickets
  • The Silver Sponsor receives:
    Quarter page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo)
    One (1) table, Two (2) chairs, Two (2) lunch tickets
  • Quarter page advertisement in event program (must provide copy & 4-color logo) One (1) table, Two (2) chairs, Two (2) lunch tickets
  • One (1) table, Two (2) chairs, Two (2) lunch tickets
  • One (1) table, Two (2) chairs, Two (2) lunch tickets

Registration is closed

2016 Job Fair Sponsor Information Flyer.pdf

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sunrise Mall

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM  Veterans only

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Open Admission

We are pleased to announce the 16th Annual Coastal Bend SHRM 2016 Job Fair, “HIRE ME!”.

For the past 15 years, we have had a fantastic turnout at our job fair, and this year will be no exception. This event is growing and will include more than 600 potential candidates.

We want to extend our sincerest appreciation for the generous support of our past sponsors and hope to continue that relationship this year. If you have not participated before, we are asking for your support this year by inviting your organization to become a sponsor of the “HIRE ME!” Job Fair.

Proceeds from this event directly impact the Coastal Bend! The mission of the Job Fair is to connect individuals in our community with organizations looking to hire and expand their workforce.

What a great opportunity for all of us, as Human Resource Professionals, to truly serve our community while supporting our employers!  Without the help of our community and generous sponsors, like you, events like this would not exist. 

Vicki Daniels


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