Coastal Bend Society for Human Resource Management


Get Involved!

You applied for membership, now what? Here are some ideas to get you started!

Attend a Monthly Luncheon Meeting

CBSHRM Monthly Luncheon Meetings are a great networking opportunity as well as a great place to pick up an hour of recertification credit. These meetings are the most popular and well-attended of CBSHRM events. The meetings take place at the Solomon Ortiz Center in Corpus Christi. Be sure to check the Events page for information on the next speaker, topic, location and registration info.

Volunteer on a Committee

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the organization. Volunteering is a great way to build your network while giving back to the organization and the Human Resources community. Committees are always in need of additional members to assist in our initiatives!  Volunteers must be a current member of CBSHRM in good standing.  Check out the opportunities that await:

Chapter Events   Opportunities to volunteer at any CBSHRM sponsored event is available!

Legislative Updates & HR Compliance   Keeps members informed about HR compliance and risk management information, requirements and best practices based on federal, state and local laws as well as potential and pending laws. They work with the VP of Legislative Events to plan legal updates and programming specific to legislation.

Member Engagement   Assists new members to become acquainted with the benefits of CBSHRM, follows up with members who have not yet renewed, and researches ways to improve the benefit value for all members.

Professional Certification   Help lead the VP of Professional Development with the HRCI Certification program.

Programming   Responsible for planning educational programs, workshops, seminars and other educational events to include educational seminars, monthly meeting Programs, and other events.

Social Media   Works with staff to maintain the Social Media program and support communications.

Student Engagement   Promotes all student activities for CBSHRM. 

Workforce Readiness   Supports the VP of Community Relations and works to develop programs that provide education and resources resulting in a more qualified workforce.  The largest initiative is the annual "Hire Me" Job Fair.  

How Do I Help?

All volunteers are encouraged to contact a Board member at a monthly meeting or by email.  Contact information for each Board member can be found on the About Us page.  Please also contact if you have any questions. 

Coastal Bend SHRM PO BOX 6927, Corpus Christi, TX 78466

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