Coastal Bend HR Awards Banquet

  • December 03, 2015
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Holiday Inn Marina


  • Limited time only for CBSHRM Members.
  • The sponsor will receive acknowledgement of sponsorship during the event.

    Business promotional items may be placed in the reception area as approved by CBSHRM.

    10 tickets to the event.
  • * Recognition as Award Sponsor on Media Advertisements, Emails and Digital mediums
    * Recognition on Awards Program and during event
    * Special Recognition by Master of Ceremonies
    * Opportunity to present your sponsored Award
    * Corporate Logo predominate in Banquet Hall
    * 1 table (10 tickets).
  • * Recognition as Program Sponsor
    * Recognition on Media Advertisement, E-Mails and Digital
    * Special Recognition by Master of Ceremonies
    * Recognition on Awards Program and during Event
    * Corporate Logo prodominate in Banquet Hall
    * Table close to front of Podium (10 tickets)
  • * Recognition as Program Sponsor
    * Recognition on Media Advertisement, E-Mails and Digital
    * Special Recognition by Master of Ceremonies
    * One table, 10 tickets
  • * Recognition as Event Sponsor
    * Special Recognition by Master of Ceremonies
    * Corporate Logo on table
    * 1 table; 10 tickets
  • For Student members of CBSHRM

Registration is closed

Join us for the first Coastal Bend Human Resources Awards Banquet to be held at the Holiday Inn Marina Hotel in downtown Corpus Christi.

This red carpet event will showcase many organizations and their Human Resource initiatives during 2015.

Sponsorship's are available!

Proceeds from the event will go to to support the Chief Floyd Simpson Leadership Scholarship at Del Mar College and the SHRM Foundation.

To apply for an award click here!

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